Wellcome to KONDO Akiko's gallery!


近藤あき子略歴・コメント KONDO Akiko’s CV & Comments


1948 新潟県加茂市に生まれる

 1971 早稲田大学文学部ロシア文学科卒業

 1973 早稲田大学大学院文学研究科修士課程卒業

 1976~1986 新起流美術研究所(立川市、故荒木貞人主催)でデッサン、油絵等を学ぶ




 1990 カリフォルニア州サンディエゴ市のRobert Wade水彩画ワークショップに参加。

 1992 日本に帰国



 19972005 清水洋子氏工房,ラール・ヴェリテ・リトグラフ工房でリトグラフ制作




「たとえ天が何回落ちようともIII(2018、巷房、 銀座、東京)

「グリッドから~ 近藤あき子x信田俊郎」(2018、砂丘館、新潟市)

ギャラリー現 (2017, 2015, 2013, 2006, 2005, 2003)、銀座、東京

Galerie Satellite (2017, 2014, 2012, 2010) パリ、フランス

他に、中和ギャラリー、ギャラリー21+葉、マキイマサル・ファインア―ツ、ギャラリーテムズ、ギャラリーブロッケン、画廊「荘」、ギャラリーアートポイント、ギャラリーセンターポイント、カフェひょうたん島、西尾レン邸 などで個展




Contemporary Art from Japan(2018,2014, 2010,スウェーデン, セーデルテリエ市)

Contemporary Art from Sweden2016, 2012, 赤レンガ倉庫、横浜)

世界の花展 (サンクトペテルブルグ市、北京市、横浜市)

国際テキスタイル・アート展(ウラジオストク市) 2017




1948  Born in Kamo city, Niigata Prefecture

Graduated from Niigata High-School in Niigata City

1971  Graduated from Waseda University

1973  Graduated from Graduate-School of Waseda University. Got a MA of Russian Literature.

1976-1986  Studied drawing and painting at Shinkiryu Art School and other schools

1987-1992  Studied painting, Art history, Sculpture at the Glasell School of Art in Houston, TX, U.S.A. on a scholarship

1993-2018  had one-person shows at Gallery Kobo, Gallery Gen, Chuwa Gallery, Gallery 21Yo, Makii Masaru Fine Arts, Gallery TEMS, Gallery Brocken in Tokyo, Galerie SATELLITE in Paris and etc.

近藤あき子 コメント1「格子」





 人は 格子の中に自らを閉じ込めることもできれば、そこから自由にさせることもできる。格子は私にとって、問題そのものである。



Grid” - Comment 1 by KONDO Akiko

Whenever grid shapes are found in a notebook or graphing paper, I am compelled to jot down something on it as a kind of doodle. I simply consider various grid-like patterns frequently seen in our daily lives, such as on the designs seen on Japanese traditional Kimono, Shoji screens and wooden sliding doors with lattice, very beautiful.

A few years ago, I first introduced grid-like patterns into my works conscientiously due to reasons that strongly motivated me to try to draw, tracing the grid-like patterns on graphing paper, in such a way as if to identify my own position in this world.

Initially, I drew rough sketches of irregular grid-like patterns on canvas using a pencil, then finished the work by drawing additional shapes using oil. Afterwards, the grid-like pattern gradually came to take on a more irregular form and the grid-like patterns which served as background came to the foreground. This may be explained by the fact that I have become more attracted to the versatile beauty of the grid itself, as well as the subsequent changes in my surrounding environment.

Now, I can sense unseen grids expanding quietly around me as the world over.

Man can lock himself in the grid and is just as capable of freeing himself from it.

The “grid” is very problematic for me.

                                                October 2004

近藤あき子 コメント2「格子―その後」






After “Grid” - Comment 2 by KONDO Akiko

Now, more than ten years have passed since I wrote the comment “Grid,” above, in 2004.

In those days, when volatile events such as simultaneous terrorist attacks on Sept.11, 2001, the Iraq War and so on were occurring, and Japan was changing its course considerably, my art was changing from a style based on an unconscious way of painting to one trying to express my messages deliberately. During those ten years, the “invisible” grid of the world seems to have become “visible,” and appears as if it is trying to lay siege not only on the world, but also even within our minds. Now, “intolerance” is prevalent everywhere in the world, laws to restrain the freedom of the people are legislated one after another throughout the world, meant to silence us, but humans are born truly to live freely.

The book “Discours de la servitude volontaire,” which was written by the French author, L.A. Boetie, in his late teens, and who was a special friend of Montaigne in the 16th Century, radiates our contemporary world. As he said, however, we should not despair. I would like to put forward that we still have a lot of things to do.

                                                                  January 2019